June 29, 2024

Luna's father was revealed

Is Luna pregnant?


Luna finally told RJ what happened with Zende. Luna asked RJ not to blame his cousin for what happened, Zende asked RJ not to blame Luna for what happened. RJ's reaction was to punch Zende.


After hearing about what happened, Brooke has been the voice of reason. She has been fully on Luna's side, and blames Zende. Everything Brooke has said is exactly what is in the viewer's mind. That Zende really shouldn't have slept with a woman who is in love with his cousin, even though she had wandered into his bed. Brooke thinks Zende should go to Paris. No, he should rather go to Antarctica. Zende is so sorry.

Luna and RJ reconcile, and decide to put the incident behind them. Right after this, after RJ leaves the room, Luna throws up, and immediately fears that she is pregnant. Right after it happened, Zende claimed to Luna that he used protection, but was he lying? Luna also mentions to her mother that she uses birth control pills.

Luna takes a pregnancy test, but doesn't want to check the result herself. To Luna's great relief, Poppy tells her that her pregnancy test is negative.



Who is Luna's father?


It took a long time, but Poppy, who is dating Bill, finally admitted to Bill that he could be Luna's father. So Poppy lied earlier when she claimed otherwise.

But now, the truth was finally out, and it was time to take a paternity test.

Li, who hates Poppy more than anything, heard about the test. Li insisted that she is the one who handles the test. And for some reason others agreed to her demand.


But despite Li's meddling, the paternity test showed that Bill is Luna's father.



And now they are such a happy family.


So is it now one hundred percent certain that Bill is Luna's father? Can we be sure that Li did not tamper with the paternity test?

Li doesn't want Poppy to get a rich man like Bill. So why would Li have the test to show Bill's paternity if Bill isn't really the father? Some people have speculated that Li would do this because Li's husband Jack could be Luna's father. And this shameful thing Li would like to hide. Why does Li hate Poppy so much? The aforementioned matter would explain it.

Anyway, now the paternity test has shown that Bill is the father.



Later, another man appears who claims to be Luna's father...

June 18, 2024

Hope and Finn's scandalous kiss

Everyone could see where this plot was going.



Hope and Finn kept getting closer, and were supporting each other. Most recently, Finn already massaged Hope, who was suffering from a headache.

When Finn returned home from Sheila and Deacon's wedding, he immediately tried to tell Steffy how he ended up at the wedding by accident. But Steffy noticed a picture in her social feed that told her all the essentials. There, her husband was standing in the background of the photo taken at the wedding.


Then Steffy wanted to cancel the Hope for the future line because it is doing so badly. Hope therefore already declared a war on Steffy. Ridge decided that the line can continue.

In this dispute, Finn was not on his wife's side, but defended Hope's line to Steffy.

And then Hope needed Finn's "magic fingers" again for her headaches and stress. This time, just a massage wasn't enough for Hope, she kissed Finn!



This happened in the US at the end of Friday's episode, so viewers had to wonder all weekend if the kiss really happened.

But luckily, the trailer for the next week's events revealed that between Hope and Finn, even some clothes are already torn off. It was easy to decipher that the kiss was just Hope's fantasy. Again. Before, Hope fantasized about Thomas for a long time. Before it became a reality.

Hope admits (to Finn!) that she wants a man just like Finn. Hope tells Finn how she appreciates him and takes Finn's hand in hers... just then Steffy comes in and demands to know what's going on. "Stay away from my husband!"



Finn assures Steffy that she doesn't have to worry about his friendship with Hope. Steffy doesn't like Finn spending time with Hope. Steffy thinks Hope is manipulating Finn to be sympathetic to Sheila.

Hope even shocks Brooke too by praising Finn to her. "This is Steffy’s husband you’re talking about!" Hope assures her that she's not going after Finn... even though in her opinion he happens to be one of the best men ever.


Beth gets sick, and Hope, of course, calls Finn in as a doctor. After Finn has already left, Hope fantasizes that he comes back to get his forgotten cell phone...

Hope has grown into an adult woman, and is starting to resemble her mother Brooke more and more, that "slut from the Valley".

Because of Steffy, Thomas left Hope. Would it be appropriate revenge if Hope stole Steffy's husband?


The Bold and the Beautiful book series

The Bold and the Beautiful book series