December 29, 2023

Eric's fate and Stephanie's return!

The king of the fashion world, Eric Forrester, got his last big win, which Ridge falsely gave him after learning that his father is dying.


The news of Eric's impending death spread. Ridge and Brooke told Steffy and Thomas about it.


As Eric's symptoms worsened, he decided to hold a final party to celebrate his life. Eric's children were invited to the party, but unfortunately Kristen, Felicia and Rick all happened to be on a safari. Only Thorne (this time Winsor Harmon) and Bridget were able to come to Los Angeles.


Immediately upon their arrival, both Thorne and Bridget were told that their father is dying, and there were plenty of tears.


At the same time, it was revealed that the best oncologists have studied Eric's case, but still there is no treatment and no hope. So Eric's illness turned out to be cancer.

All the partygoers know the truth about Eric's situation, but Eric doesn't know that they know.



But Finn didn't attend Eric's big party. Why? This medical prodigy secretly sought a cure for Eric's illness.



In the middle of his party, Eric brought up his big win over Ridge, and realized from the troubled expressions of his guests that he had been lied to. The tears in the family members' eyes also seemed to reveal something else to Eric: that they all knew he is dying.

Eric told Ridge that this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him. Eric thanked Ridge and they hugged. Eric sank to the floor and said his time had come. As his last words, he asked everyone to be kind to each other.



Eric was taken to the hospital in critical condition. There, Finn said that he had studied an experimental option for Eric's treatment. Ridge has Eric's power of attorney, and he thinks that his father should be allowed to die in peace and not suffer anymore. The others, especially Donna and Steffy try to get Ridge to change his mind.

Just as Finn is removing the plug from the machines on Ridge's orders, Eric tries to open his eyes, and is wheeled into surgery. The surgery is performed by Finn (so he's a surgeon?), and of course Bridget comes to help.


But then Eric starts bleeding mid-surgery. Finn and Bridget try to get the bleeding under control.

After surviving the surgery, Eric is taken to a recovery where he sees a vision of Stephanie. Stephanie says that she has missed Eric, and that everyone has been waiting for him. Stephanie welcomes Eric home.

However, despite Stephanie's appearance, Eric does not die. Soon it is time to remove him from the ventilator, and everyone is afraid that he won't start breathing on his own. But the Forresters get their Christmas miracle when Eric opens his eyes and wishes his family gathered around his hospital bed Merry Christmas.

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The Bold and the Beautiful book series

The Bold and the Beautiful book series